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High quality level indicator for tank factory? The radar level gauge works by electromagnetic waves. Its working principle is to measure the specific liquid level by transmitting electromagnetic waves to the measured target. After the electromagnetic waves are emitted, they are reflected by the medium. For the radar level gauge, its key function is to ensure that it can transmit magnetrol guided wave radar signals smoothly. In our industrial production site, interference often occurs, so which interference sources will affect the measurement of the radar level gauge? let’s see. Read more information at level gauge manufacturers.

Any appreciable gain in boiler feedwater achieved through the process reduces the amount of energy (fuel) required at the boiler— in fact, every 10.8°F (6°C) rise in boiler feedwater amounts to a one percent savings in fuel cost. Inadequate level controls can inhibit the deaeration process (level too high) or reduce/shutdown feedwater flow to the boiler (level too low). The former affects hardware longevity and efficiency, while the latter risks production losses and possible damage to pumps.

In the process of cement production, material level detection and material level alarm control play an important role from mining and crushing to storage and packing of finished cement. But because of the complex working conditions of cement plant, radar level meter has no small difficulty in measuring. Today, I would like to talk with you about specific difficulties and solutions. First cement plant material for measurement in the dust under the condition of particularly large, especially some pneumatic feed bin, involves the kinds of materials, material particle size is differ, dielectric constant is different also, such as broken limestone, raw meal, clinker, fly ash, coal, cement, the level of the bunker, it is very difficult to accurately measure Especially fly ash bin with low dielectric constant.

Measurement accuracy, the accuracy of ordinary radar is generally ±10mm, and the accuracy of precision radar is ±3mm. Selection according to the actual needs of production. Range, according to actual needs, choose the antenna size. Note that the actual range is reduced in complex environments. Antenna type and antenna size, the larger the antenna size, the larger the measured range and the stronger the anti-interference ability. The antenna types of radar level gauge are rod type, bell mouth type, paraboloid and so on.

The electromagnetic wave emitted during measurement can pass through the vacuum, no transmission medium is required, and the anti-interference ability is strong, and it is not affected by temperature, wind, water vapor, water mist, rain, etc. It can be used for liquid level measurement of almost all liquids, and can be continuously measured on-line unattended. Large measurement range, high precision, mature technology and stable performance.

As one of the most professional magnetic level indicators manufacturers in China,Guangdong Kaidi Energy Technology Co., Ltd. provides customized solutions for a range of industrial automation process applications,such as mechanical float level indicator.We specialized in radar level gauge, fork type level switch,etc. These were implemented successfully, and KAIDI magnetic level gauge manufacturers products,such as radar level meter, magnetic level indicators, can be used in many different industries such as food & beverage, water, energy, pharmaceutical etc. See additional information at https://www.kaidi86.com/. The Magnetic Level Gauge all use vacuum tube technology, with a lifespan of 3-5 years, and protection grade is up to IP68, not easy to fade.

Working principle: Tube in the liquid level meter has a magnetic float, float design, according to the proportion of medium float magnet steel and container liquid level at the same level, wholesale liquid level gauge in a semiconductor magnetel liquid level gauge sensor LED display scale, and orderly arranged from top to bottom, and LED module corresponding to the magnetic field magnetic sensor, the magnetic semiconductor, triggering the corresponding digital circuit, liquid level above the red LED display, The LED below the liquid level gauge is displayed in green, the red in gas phase, and the green in liquid phase. The red-green junction is the actual liquid level in the container.

The installation of the liquid level gauge should be away from the inlet, outlet, eddy current or protrusions on the inner wall to avoid the interference of electromagnetic waves and affect the measurement. When installing the guided wave radar, make sure that the diameter of the short pipe at the flange connection is greater than the height of the short pipe, otherwise the cable will contact the short pipe wall due to shaking, and the liquid level cannot be measured accurately. How to choose a model, in the final analysis, you still need to understand your own working conditions and the characteristics of different instruments, and judge whether the two match, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort.Want to know about ultrasonic flow meter advantages and disadvantages, click here.