Premium electronic components information database

Quality electronic supplies information aggregation platform? The integration density of the current CPU is very high. The above functions are now integrated into the CPU and become a chip. For example, the K60 chip I am using now has these peripheral functions. The four chips of the early CPU peripherals are now integrated into one chip, so the current System is in one chip. That is, System on Chip (SoC), so theoretically there is a difference between CPU and SoC. The standard CPU refers to the early chips that only contain arithmetic units and controllers, and SoC has integrated the system into a whole chip. Therefore, the chips you buy now are all SoCs, and the standard CPUs are not too big to buy. Today’s CPUs have integrated many peripherals inside. Discover even more info on max3078eesa+.

We aspire to make Easybom be the most intelligent information aggregation platform. We boast the latest big data technology and accumulate billions of market data. Consequently, we can update in time and analyze the data in real time so as to make the prices more exact and transparent. Moreover, we can analyze inventory risk index, supplier integrity index and price risk index which can reflect the market, so that you can follow the market trend in time and find the suppliers and products which you satisfy most. Easybom is driven by data which create numerous business chances. Easybom provides intelligent data analysis to enhance your insight into the market. It focuses on the market as well as your need.

Easybom establishes a communication bridge for suppliers, purchasers and engineers with electronic component data as its core. What can I get if I join Easybom? Easybom can fully meet the needs of electronic components in various industries. Continue to update the global component procurement news and quickly quote. Track global component purchase information, analyze market supply and demand trends, and provide optimization strategies.

The channel contention access principle of Wi-Fi. The core of Wi-Fi equipment access lies in carrier sense multiple access / collision avoidance (CSMA/CA). This mechanism of listening before speaking has been in use since the first generation of Wi-Fi (802.11) in 1997. However, there were few wireless network devices more than 20 years ago, and no one would consider the network congestion caused by competition when the number of devices increased. The real popularity of Wi-Fi began with Wi-Fi 4 (802.11n) in 2008. It can be said that since then, Wi-Fi has really become the most common form of Internet access for homes and businesses. The number of device models that support Wi-Fi has also increased exponentially.

With the increasing degree of automation of cars and electric vehicles, the number of semiconductors required will increase sharply. Most semiconductors are traditional analog and power semiconductors. These traditional analog and power semiconductors are produced by 8-inch factories. Because it is difficult to ensure 8-inch manufacturing equipment, it is difficult to add new 8-inch semiconductor factories. In short, self-driving cars certainly need state-of-the-art semiconductors to run advanced artificial intelligence (AI), but the need for a large number of traditional analog and power semiconductors has become the Achilles’ heel of automobile production, and it is not easy to solve this problem. Although the automobile industry has ushered in an once-in-a-century period of great change in CASE (Connected, Autonomous/Automated, Shared, Electric), it is also an era suffering from the shortage of semiconductors. Read even more info at