B2B Sales Leads right now

Business Leads these days? Unlike other web scraping tools, the CBT Web Scraper and Email Extractor Software can scrape multiple search engines, business directories, social media sites and even custom website list concurrently and combine all results into a single Excel CSV spreadsheet. Likewise, the search engine scraper has a set of proprietary filters that utilise artificial intelligence to generate niche targeted data. What makes us truly different from other companies is the fact that our web scraper has a built in ability to scrape multiple website platforms and combine the extracted data into a single Excel CSV spreadsheet. This will help to ensure that you leave no stone unturned and scrape virtually every single corner of the internet that is likely to hold quality data. Likewise, you will not need to run separate scrapers for each website platform such as Google Maps Scraper, Yellow Pages Scraper, Facebook Business Page Scraper and so on.

Your website is the centre of your digital world, everything you do should lead back to it. This makes email marketing a perfect way to help drive traffic back to your website and specific landing pages. With interesting newsworthy content in your email marketing, make sure you have bold call to actions that encourage people to click through to ‘read more’ or ‘download’ via your website. Once on your website, good navigation will help keep a visitor on your website for longer and ultimately your goal of either purchase or booking a consultation for a service.

The Search Engine Scraper supports private proxies and has an in-built proxy testing tool. If you run too many searches from a single IP address, many search engines and other website sources will eventually throw out a captcha to confirm that you are a human or in the worst case scenario, blacklist your IP which will mean that your scraping is dead in its tracks. Our website scraping software supports private proxies and VPN software to allow seamless and uninterrupted scraping of data. We are presently working on the integration of public proxies to make your scraping efforts even cheaper. It is important to use proxies (especially if you are running the software on many threads) for uninterrupted scraping.

How can data scrapping help your business ? Here are some email marketing advices: Most email marketing services make it easy to filter and segment your subscribers so you can create targeted email marketing messages. And inactive subscribers are a segment you’re going to want to define. You can define inactive subscribers however you want in your email marketing service. For example, you might consider an inactive subscriber to be someone who hasn’t engaged with any of your last 10 email campaigns or hasn’t engaged within a certain timeframe. First, you’ll want to send a winback email campaign in an attempt to re-engage them and bring them back into the fold. Many brands will send a last email or email series to their inactive subscribers in hopes of getting those subscribers once again engaged with the brand. See more information at B2B Sales Leads.

Have you ever employed data entry assistants to search Google, social media or business directories for business leads and copy and paste results into a spreadsheet? You’ll agree that this is a slow, expensive and monotonous process. Running our software is the same as having a hundred data entry professionals in your office searching and copying and pasting business data into a spreadsheet. Just like you give your data entry instructions, you can also give our software instructions. The only difference is that our software will cost you the fraction of the price and will get the job done at lightning fast speeds to meet even the most pressing deadlines. What’s more is that our software will not quit on you and deliver every time! Our software is best summarised by one of our clients who compared it to having a hundred data entry assistants in your office working 24/7.

By default, the search engine scraper will scrape business data from the website sources that you specify in the settings. This may include Google, Google Maps, Bing, LinkedIn, Yellow Pages, Yahoo, AOL and so on. However, it is inevitable that some business records will have missing data such as a missing address, telephone number, email or website. In the speed settings, you can choose either to scrape Facebook in case emails not found on the target website OR Always scrape Facebook for more emails. You can also scrape Twitter for extra data. Inside the Save and Login Settings tab, you have the option to add the login details for your Facebook account.

Advertise specific products, services or offers: another benefit direct marketing has to offer relates to control. With this technique, you are in control of what information you’re sending out to your prospects. Unlike a billboard stating one blanket message to the mass of unique individuals driving by, with direct marketing, you control the offer and the message on an individual basis., You can then perform multiple A/B tests to determine what message has the best ROI. Easy personalization: online, you can use various dynamic content that can personalize what the viewer sees based on certain criteria. Offline, you can also leverage variable data printing to easily personalize each direct mail you send to prospects. Addressing your recipients by name and adding certain unique traits they posses will help you connect with your audience on a deeper level. Variable data printing is an easy, economic way to personalize your message for each customer. See even more info at https://creativebeartech.com/.