Awesome metal detectors for gold online shopping 2021

Excellent metal detectors with electromagnetic system online shopping 2021? AJAX attracted a group of the best electronic and programming engineers from around the world to complete all electronic and programming needs like electronic panel planting and programming, and to provide the best programs that allow the user to deal with Ajax products with complete ease and high efficiency and guaranteed results and accurate. A group of technicians in different majors with high expertise and competencies to complete all technical works under the supervision and follow-up of the engineering and scientific research and development departments where all the devices in this section are completed and completed And all devices will be ready to be checked and tested by our quality control department.

The latest gold detectors and treasures with a remote system The range with the latest systems and programs and we always offer you the most effective and accurate devices in use, if you want the latest long-range detectors gold detectors water minerals you can see the details of the following devices to test the best device for your research. Is best suited for the detection of gold, diamond detector , minerals and water under the ground where they were supplied equipped with filters to purify hobbies signal 100%. Scan within a radius of 2,000 meters and a depth of up to 50 meters of metal detectors and 200 meters for the detection of underground water.

Multiple functions in one device, allow the user to use 9 advanced systems with accurate error-free performance to detect gold, treasures and metals underground. This system can detect gold, treasures, archaeological and mineral materials underground. This system has a special search interface that displays the results and coordinates of the search site and the direction of target’s path accurately on the search screen and know your destination in detail. The input socket of the multi-tasking search systems, through it you can choose the system that you want to work with, it has a sophisticated mechanical mechanism to dismantle and install the search sensor without any effort or time. Control keys interface, anti-shock and humidity it works by pressing buttons, which gives you a total control of the program and settings of the device on the screen. See extra details at Metal detectors in the direct imaging system.

We lift the device straight up parallel to the soil and run the machine by clicking on the screen and choose the work in long-term systemm, and then we choose target type for example (gold) after this we select the depth : (6 meters – 12 meters – 18 meters – 24 meters – 30 meters) then we set the long-range required to access : (200 meters – 400 meters – 600 meters – 800 meters – the 1,000 meters) And then wait a bit for the device to send electric static power underground that is vertical and horizontal, then we walk with device to scan the required area.

AJAX Detection Technology’s vision is based on success and superiority. It strives to be always ahead in quality and excellence. Its slogan from the early beginnings was “Quality Worth Trust”. this could only be achieved by choosing best technologies and building local expertise focusing on training and development. In fact, its main principle in choosing equipments and materials was, and still is, the high technical specifications that could help create a superior product. As a result, those efforts lead to the brilliant reputation AJAX Detection Technology Products have gained; known to be the best, though not the best price. Find more info at