Established eBay accounts for big income plus some marketing guides

Here are several Amazon seller tricks to increase your profit while selling on this online platforms. We will also discuss how established Amazon accounts create more sells by simply using the trust factor that comes with account age and account good reviews.

Compete using the pricing: Amazon has a reputation for the best deals in the market. That is why people prefer to shop through Amazon. Every seller on Amazon tries to sell at the best possible price to attract more and more customer to their product. Therefore, a thorough study of the product pricing related to your product is the key to compete against the competition in the Amazon market. If you want your product to be sold, make sure you are setting a reasonable price tag on it. For unique products, you can set your convenient price but, for common products, you must beat your competitors to get into your customer’s shopping carts.

Go Responsive for Mobile Users: All your ‘Enhanced Campaign’ efforts will result in enhanced traffic, but you need to optimize this traffic. Data reveals that about 97% of mobile shoppers abandon the mobile shopping cart, and that it takes about 21 steps to complete a sale on mobile devices. How can you enhance the experience for users? Earlier, optimization and creation of separate websites for different devices was common. However, this method is expensive and requires constant hands-on management. You can opt for a responsive design for the website, where in the website detects the device of the visitor and accordingly the design and resolution of the website downloads. This makes your website work seamlessly across different platforms; and you only pay once. Ecommerce sites work on visual enhancement. The images on your webpage need to be properly sized. Rich Media solution can automatically resize images for different devices enhancing your responsive website.

eBay rewards sellers who offer a 30-day or longer return policy by giving them a boost in search results. So if you have a 30-day return policy, you will automatically place higher in search than a seller who does not offer one. This is an easy way to get some free SEO. Buyers also look for sellers who offer a return policy as this builds trust. Sellers who don’t offer returns may be viewed as sketchy, dishonest, or unaccommodating. Don’t worry, you won’t be giving refunds left and right. Most buyers who ask for a return never get around to doing it. A large number of return requests are closed by eBay because the buyer failed to ship the item back. You can also include this verbiage in your return policy.

Include Good Photos. A professional listing includes good, clear photos. It’s crucial to include real photos of your specific item, not just pictures of a similar item taken from a catalog. Savvy buyers can spot this trick, and it will make them wonder what you have to hide. Consider also including a video, or a link to one, if it’s useful to show buyers how the product works.

We have established eBay accounts for sale with unlimited selling limits and 100’s to 1000’s of positive seller feedback. Ready made established eBay businesses for sale. Getting a Top rated & Powerseller Status can take years of hard work and a lot of customers would trust a power seller account. Suspended From eBay? Limited PayPal Account? You need a stealth account. See more info at eBay Amazon Accounts.